Sunday, June 23, 2013

TSS: Back once again

Hello everybody!

OMG, it's been such a long time since I did a TSS post! Maybe I mentioned, maybe I didn't but I had a huge exam recently...long story short if you don't pass this exam you are not allowed to graduate from your PhD. I passed!!. You can only imagine how happy I am, how relieved and how relaxed I am right now. 

My reading life was not in a pause however, I was a good girl and kept on reading...ok, it had nothing to do with being a good girl, but mostly needing to do something different than studying every night. So I did finish 8 books since my last TSS post. 

However, as you may have noticed I did not post the reviews for the last 6 :S. But I'm catching up, yesterday I posted the reviews for Gone Girl, The Buddha in the Attic and Wool. Hopefully during this week I will be able to post the other 3; I'm lucky to have a long week-end all for myself and work on this.

Other than that everything is going fine. Weather is not very summery yet, but I will change my banner soon, just the window image. Maybe that will hint mother nature that is time to summer things up?

Anyway, have a wonderful week, and fingers crossed you will be able to drop by and actually find new stuff in the site. I'm a bit behind updating my lists of challenges and books reviewed, but I will get to it soon enough.

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