Sunday, August 2, 2015

I’m back…well sort off

Hi everybody! It’s been almost a full month since I actually wrote something on this blog. If you follow me anywhere else, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve posted a bit more regularly on my science blog and I’ve been quite active on Instagram. But not here, and there is a reason why.

At the begging of this year I told you that I was expecting having less time to read since I was supposed to start working on my thesis and maybe finish my PhD by the end of the year. Well, my project hit a few bumps (it’s normal after all in this field) and the end of my PhD had to be pushed to next year. It’s ok since it allows me to round up my story better, but it’s still a bit sad when things don’t go according to plan.

This month in particular I had what will be my last PhD committee (I’ll talk more about it on my other blog this week if you are interested) and my PI and I have officially a plan of action. But that meant that this month I was pretty much living in the lab. I didn’t stop reading, to be completely honest, I’ve been reading even more this year, it would seem that as my stress goes up I need more outside worlds to turn my brain down and finally sleep. And with that I had to sort off choose where my “free” time was going.

As you know, I now form part of Book Bloggers International, so that is a big priority. I am extremely lucky to count with Tasha’s, Tiff’s and Becca’s support, and I am so happy to make part of this team. We even got a newsletter!

My science blog is getting momentum and since I do want to make the transition to science communication after I finish my PhD, well, I couldn’t give up on that one. Social media wise, I’ve tried to keep active mostly on Twitter and on IG, mainly because it takes a few seconds and more importantly, I can keep up with this wonderful community a few minutes at a time.

So sadly, the posts I “neglected” a bit where the ones here. As I mentioned I’ve been reading a lot, I just hadn’t sat down to write my thoughts on the books I finished. I am working on a post with “flash” reviews, to put some of the thoughts out there and I have on review coming for a book sent to me by the publisher. But I think I will go back to one post a week formula, something that catches the thoughts of that week reading and life wise, and if I’m particularly touched by a book I will do my best to do a single post. I will make part of the read-a-thon, not doing it, would be out of the question. It’s one activity I love of the community and I’m not ready to let that one go. Oh and the monthly wrap ups too!

So there you have it. It’s not that I didn’t want to write here, it’s just that I had to re orientate some of my energy. All the support everyone has giving me on all of the platforms has been extremely touching and I appreciate your words of encouragement so much!

Thank you!!

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